"I enjoy empowering women. I’ve been able to guide women to be more in-tuned with their bodies, hormones, and cycles while exploring nutrition and lifestyle changes. Educating women that balancing their blood sugars, eating nutrient dense foods, decreasing stress, and increasing movement can be positive physically, mentally, and hormonally."- Jenna

Savoring Memories
My love and drive for nutrition began when I was a child. Some of my favorite memories include a loud kitchen filled with my sisters, mother and grandmother all preparing food for meals that we would share together, sometimes for holidays and sometimes for no reason other than to be together. I come from a large family who, like many others, gather around food and take pleasure in the tradition of preparing the food. These memories have shaped the way I think about and prepare food, not just to eat, but to enjoy.
I can remember times when my siblings or I were sick and my grandfather would make a homemade soup that he swore would make us feel better. I would wonder what it was in this soup that would heal our bodies. Was it the love put into preparing the food? Was it the healthy plant based whole ingredients?
Savoring Movement
I speak often of a healthy life style, and while food plays a major role, physical activity is the counterpart of obtaining your healthy lifestyle. For me, activity takes the physical shape of dancing. I have enjoyed dancing since I was just three years old. I was a dance instructor in my adolescent years and have found a way to incorporate it into my adult years as well as a member of a dance organization.
Today my love for dance has spread to yoga, pilates, and strength training work outs. It is important to find physical activity that is not only beneficial for your body but also your mind. These activities benefit my body and mind because I truly enjoy doing them. Finding the activity that brings you joy will be our journey together to discovering what your healthy life style looks like.
Savoring Knowledge
I received a Bachelors of Science in Nutrition from the University of New Hampshire in 2009 and a Masters of Science in clinical Nutrition in 2011 from the New York University. In 2012 I completed a 1200 hour dietetic internship under the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
Work With Jenna
At Maine's Dietitian Collective